ParameterValue Class

Represents the allowed values for PCAN-Basic parameters configuration.


Namespace: Peak.Can.Basic
Assembly: PCANBasic.NET (in PCANBasic.NET.dll) Version: 4.9.0
public static class ParameterValue
Object    ParameterValue


The values represented by this class and sub-classes are intended to be used:

  • for configuring filter, log, or trace parameters by using the SetValue method.
  • for configuring parameters that can be activated or deactivated by using the SetValue method.
  • for parsing and understanding values retrieved by the GetValue method.
  • for consulting range values, for instance, for preparing buffers to use with the GetValue method.
  • for creating a search string for the LookUpChannel method.


MaxBufferedMessages Represents the maximum amount of CAN messages that the receive queue of a Channel can hold.
MaxCanDataLength Represents the maximum amount of data bytes a CAN message can have in classic CAN 2.0A/B mode.
MaxCanFdDataLength Represents the maximum amount of data bytes a CAN message can have in CAN FD mode.
MaxExtendedIdValue Represents the maximum value that a 29-bit CAN ID can have.
MaxHardwareNameLength Represents the maximum length that the name of a device can have (32 characters + terminator).
MaxStandardIdValue Represents the maximum value that a 11-bit CAN ID can have.
MaxVersionStringLength Represents the maximum length that a version string can have (255 characters + terminator).

See Also